Lesson plan guided by constructivism

 Lesson plan guided by constructivism

Name of school: Jana chetana Hss          subject: mathematics

Class -VII                                                            sub-subject- Arithmetic

Period- II                                                            Topic- HCF, LCM

Time Duration- 40                                             Date: 22 dec 2022

Major concept

·       Concept of factor

·       HCF and LCM by factor method

·       Difference between HCF and LCM

Learning objective


*   Student are able to recall the concept of HCF

*   Student are able to recognize concept of HCF  


*    Student are able to Illustrate the LCM and HCF

*   Student are able to classify concept of HCF and LCM


*   Student will be able to asses the difference between HCF and LCM 

*   Student will be  able to solve the question of HCF and LCM

Life Skill

*   Student will be able to develop their reasoning, problem solving ability, logical ability.

Method and planned activity

Brain storming method

Inquiry based learning method

Collaborative learning method

Problem solving method

Group activity

Question/answer technique

Material required

PPT slide, Flash card, chart and daily used materials

Prior Knowledge

Student having some basic knowledge about factors

Teaching learning activities

Mode of learning

Teacher’s activity

Student’s Activity

Teaching learning material


The chart will be shown by teacher and engaged students in an activity and ask to view at the marked boxes and instructed to find out factor and related question will be ask by teacher

1)   What are the factor of 10 ?

2)   Find out all the factor of 36 from the multiplication chart.

Teacher define the HCF and give an example as

In 12,18





Student will observe the chart and give answer after critical thinking.














Uses of white board


Students will be divided into four groups like A,B,C,D and questions will be given to them and instructed to explore the HCF


The direction will be given to the students to understand the HCF based on reasons and note down in their Notebook

Students will explore HCF with reason and calculate with their peer groups and  note down their results on their note books

White board work and slides


The teacher will listen to student explanation and encourage them and give clues, prompt then to explain the HCF by calculation with examples.


Teacher will clear the misconception

Students will explain their points and will listen carefully to the leading question





Use of slide and WB


The teacher will elaborate on LCM with example and differentiate them by using slides

And will other question base on LCM and HCF

I)                 Find the HCF of 10,15

II)              Find the HCF and LCF of 16,18,44

Students will apply new labels learns new concept, definition of terms and solve problems

Slide of LCM and HCF


To assesses student’s knowledge teacher will give one example to every group and instruct to differentiate between HCF and LCM.


Every group will give answer one by one to open ended question by using observations, evidence and previously accepted explanation


Home Assignment

i)                  Find the LCM of ,14,36

ii)               Find HCF and LCM 125,305,145

Teacher perception

The teacher will record the performance of the students


Name of students

Measuring Scale

Measuring Criteria









































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